Transitioning to Sustainability

On October 12 – Transition Houston will talk about our efforts in transitioning to a sustainable local economy and lifestyle. And about our favorite activity, which we call Permablitzes. This is getting together to spend a half day at a members home installing or maintaining vegetable gardens, plant fruit trees, build compost systems and rainwater collection and other earth friendly projects.

Transition Houston is a group of citizens who are organizing to build stronger communities, re-localize our economic activity, and reduce our energy usage. While we recognize the enormous challenges posed by the twin threats of peak oil and climate change, we also believe that a more sustainable way of life can be secure, empowering and fun.
Join our facebook group here:
Transition is an international movement founded in England devoted to returning to strong, sustainable local economies.

See the Transition Movement Handbook and founder Rob Hopkins latest book, From What is to What IfMetal Raintank installation

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Via Zoom

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