Laurel’s Garden July

The garden actually looks great for July. Surprisingly, there have been few problem with insects.  The towers of long beans are lovely.  The Juliet Grape tomato is hanging in with a few tomatoes still ripening.  One Cucuzi Squash/Gourd plant covers most of the ground and a lot of fence with it’s long vines. It just started producing, but it looks to be a very prolific plant. The Tuscan Kale is shaded for much of the afternoon, so is still looking good.  However, other things are still small & a long way from being productive–eggplant, peppers, okra. Of course, there’s bits of other things doing okay. Chard & the Tender Green Mustard Spinach that volunteered very prolifically along with a bit of mizuna. And there is basil everywhere.  The figs are done.  At the July HUG meeting, we’ll learn what to do to get a jump start on fall. How to trick cool season seeds to germinate early & get growing while the days are still long. Waiting until the ground is the preferred temperature makes for slow growth in the shortening days of fall.

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